The brand new Jurassic World themed ride, VelociCoaster, opens to the public today in Islands of Adventure at the Universal Studios Orlando resort in Florida! In case you missed it (since I completely forgot to make a post about this on here… oops), Bryce along with Chris Pratt filmed another fantastic ride queue video for guests to experience while waiting in line for the new ride. In the summer of 2019, Universal Studios Hollywood updated the Jurassic Park River Adventure to Jurassic World: the Ride. Bryce and Chris also did a really fun video for that queue as well (you can check that out HERE). However, they really upped their game with this new version in Orlando. This video has the perfect balance of wit, charm, humor, and danger… and it’s all under 5 minutes so you should be able to see the full video while waiting in line! (Hollywood’s is much longer and more spread out with other characters involved.) Whether you are a theme park fan or not, this is a huge deal for Bryce and her character Claire and we couldn’t be more thrilled to see her represented on the big screen running constantly on BOTH coasts!
Below you can find the entire queue video with Bryce and Chris, along with some screen caps! (I also highly suggest you seek out a video of the full queue walk through because it is epic for any Jurassic World fan!)
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