Videos and Playlists!!

Finally it’s done! I’ve balanced the YouTube channel with the site video gallery and they’re practically identical (with the exception of some talk shows hosted by Daily Motion that can only be found on here). What do I mean by identical? 95% of the videos are uploaded and controlled by the BDHnetwork YouTube channel and are organized on this site into categories by year and then subcategories. The playlists on YouTube now match this exact setup and all videos are universally placed under the same categories.

YouTube Channel → Here
Video Page → Here
YouTube Playlists → Here
Daily Motion Channel → Here

While both outlets are now balanced, there are still MANY new videos to be uploaded! Keep an eye out for that in the upcoming days.

Speaking of new videos, another episode of Bryce’s “How-To” miniseries had been released!

Quick Links
Bryce Dallas Howard “How-To”: Magic! → Here
Bryce Dallas Howard “How-To”: Cupcakes! → Here
Bryce Dallas Howard “How-To”: Cat Costumes! → Here
Bryce Dallas Howard “How-To”: Dragon Party! → Here

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