Today Show with Fallen Kingdom Toys!

UPDATE: Added 87 HQ caps!

Bryce was scheduled to appear on the Today Show with Kathie Lee and Hoda this morning, but we had no idea it was to reveal the MUCH anticipated Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Barbie dolls, as well as a whole table of toys!

Direct Link → Here

The photos from today are dispersed in the Talk Show section of the gallery. Check them out below!

x001 >> Talks Shows >> 2018 >> The Today Show – February 15, 2018 >> Interview Stills → Here

x002 >> Talks Shows >> 2018 >> The Today Show – February 15, 2018 >> Social Media → Here


UPDATE: Added 87 HQ caps!

x087 >> Talks Shows >> 2018 >> The Today Show – February 15, 2018 >> Captures → Here


Thank to gitabass and bobbyeliot for sharing these behind the scenes portraits!

x003 x Bryce In Social Media >> Portraits → Here



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