The Oprah Winfrey Show (2006)

Recently found an article and a few pictures of when Bryce was on The Oprah Winfrey Show on October 16, 2006. She was promoting her first written/directed short film “Orchids” in part with Glamour Magazine‘s “Reel Moments” project.

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“I’ve really wanted to be a filmmaker for a long time. And I’ve been so scared to even show anyone anything that I had written or even talk about it,” Bryce says. “I think a lot of that has to do with my dad because I have so much respect for him and what he’s created and I didn’t want to step on anything or ruin anything. So to have an opportunity to be given a voice in that way…it’s incredible.”

Bryce says she showed her parents the film after it was edited. “I couldn’t believe how nervous I was,” Bryce says. “They’re…very biased. They were like, ‘It’s really good.'”


“I thought that’s so fantastic. I mean, here’s a woman who’s experiencing loneliness, and she’s willing to come out of herself and take a risk and meet someone and everything works out,” Bryce says.

Bryce says she took a risk herself in co-writing and directing the film by putting some of her own fears in the story line. “I was writing so, so much my whole life and just never showing it to anyone,” Bryce says. “[The main character] is a photographer and then in one moment he asks her, are you any good? And she says, ‘I don’t know. I don’t develop them.’ And it was my way of just kind of purging that.”

Read the full article »»

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