Photos, Photos, and More Photos!

More set photos from Gold came out today! Take a look…

October 9. 2015 Full Gallery → here

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Also even more Gold set photos from October 5, 2015 popped up, so those have been added to the album as well!

October 5, 2015 Full Gallery → here

Bryce Dallas Howard and Rachael Taylor pictured at the "Gold" movie set in Uptown, Manhattan. Pictured: Bryce Dallas Howard Ref: SPL1144467 051015 Picture by: Jose Perez / Splash News Splash News and Pictures Los Angeles:310-821-2666 New York: 212-619-2666 London: 870-934-2666 Bryce Dallas Howard and Rachael Taylor pictured at the "Gold" movie set in Uptown, Manhattan. Pictured: Bryce Dallas Howard Ref: SPL1144467 051015 Picture by: Jose Perez / Splash News Splash News and Pictures Los Angeles:310-821-2666 New York: 212-619-2666 London: 870-934-2666

Also Devin Sidell on twitter posted 3 photos of Bryce doing a stage reading of “Bermuda!” at The Broad Stage in 2009.

View Full Gallery → here

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