Pete’s Dragon Press Recap – August 10-11 (Huge Update)

————————— BUZZ FEED GOODIES! ————————— 

Bryce did a beautiful shoot and interview with Buzz Feed. Check it out below!

005x Photo Shoots >> Set #60 → Here


August 11, 2016 — “The Unignorable Bryce Dallas Howard”

Of the many lessons she gleaned from her own childhood spent on movie sets, Howard said that the most enduring is that not everyone finds success — which is why, when asked to name the moment in her career that has made her the happiest, Howard gleefully replied, “The fact that it’s happening at all!”

“In my mind I thought, Prepare yourself for a long haul here. Prepare for crippling disappointment, prepare for significant rejection. That’s what I was expecting. And there was that, but … it would always feel unexpected,” she continued, trying to find the words to articulate further. Despite early adversity, nepotism worries, rude comments about her appearance from tabloids, and reviews that range from glowing to glowering, things are working out for Bryce Dallas Howard — and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. “I know the statistics. I know the odds. I know how many great people are out there. … I am consistently surprised and delighted every time I get another job.”

Read full Buzz Feed interview → Here

Take the quiz!
Buzz Feed → Can You Beat Bryce Dallas Howard At this Movie Quote Quiz?

004x Photo Shoots >> Set #59 → Here

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————————– DISNEYLAND ————————— 

Bryce attended the Pete’s Dragon screening in Disneyland!

004 x Public Appearances >> 2016 >> Disneyland Pete’s Dragon Screening → Here

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Bryce met with fan @indianajosey at Disneyland!

004 x Bryce is Social Media >> Everything Else → Here

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———————————— Black Mirror ————————————

New behind the scenes photo of Bryce in Black Mirror (premiering October 21 2016 on Netflix)

001 x Television >> Black Mirror >> On Set → Here


———————————— RANDOM NEW PHOTOS ————————————

Pete’s Dragon US Premiere → Here
Social Media Photos → Here
Pete’s Dragon Press Junket → Here

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———————————— 24 NEW VIDEOS ————————————

Disney/Social Media
1. Bryce “auditions” for Pete’s Dragon → Here
2. Bryce Answers Google Search Questions → Here

Talk Shows

3. Chelsea Show Interview → Here

Pete’s Dragon Premiere
4. Piper’s Picks TV Interview → Here
5. Interview → Here
6. ET Interview → Here
7. Nuke the Fridge Interview → Here
8. Hollywood Streams → Here

Pete’s Dragon Interviews
9. Heat Radio Interview → Here
10. Magic Radio Interview → Here
11. Podcast “House of Crouse” Interview → Here
12. Screen rant Interview → Here
13. Rogers TV Interview → Here
14. Collider Interview → Here
15. Ultra Fiesta Interview → Here
16. Fox411 Interview → Here
17. Scene Creek Interview → Here
18. Andrew Freund Interview → Here
19. Gate Magazine Interview → Here
20. Shaul Turner Interview → Here
21. Rotten Tomatoes Cast Interview → Here
22. Rotten Tomatoes Bryce Interview → Here
23. In The Seats Interview → Here
24. Yahoo UK → Here

Pete’s Dragon UK Premiere Gala
25. The Fan Carpet Interview → Here

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