October 21 Recap – Black Mirror

Due to copyright concerns, we’re unable to upload Bryce’s episode of Black Mirror to the video gallery, but there are 912 super HQ screen caps from the episode now in the photo gallery!

912x Television >> Black Mirror >> Captures → Here

26106  28942  210298  24926

Thanks to kadiffkirwan for sharing this on set photo!

001x Television >> Black Mirror >> On Set → Here


October 21, 2016 — Black Mirror’s Stars and Writers on How They Made the Most Disturbing Season yet”

“It’s the real world, enhanced, the way Howard took her own “absurd” laugh (as she described it to me) and tweaked it into Lacie’s “operatic giggle.” Howard recalls reading Mason Currey’s book, Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, and realizing that even in centuries past, people would set aside hours of their day to devote to the maintenance of their public self. “People would have time to write or work or do whatever they were doing, and then there was always a time of the day that was for for writing letters or entertaining visitors,” she says. “I was like, oh, everyone always needs to do email. Some version of emails has always happened.”

Read More »»» Slate.com

October 22, 2016 — Black Mirror Postmortem: How Bryce Dallas Howard Took a ‘Nosedive'”

“We did a read-through before shooting, and he was there via Skype in a very Black Mirror sort of way. The script never changed; on other projects, you get new pages every single day. It felt kind of like a play.”

Read More »»» Yahoo TV


Direct Links
Entertainment Weekly |  “Black Mirror” Interview → Here
Associated Press | “Black Mirror” Interview → Here

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