Natural History Museum of Los Angeles

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom promotion has begun! Bryce Dallas Howard along with Chris Pratt attended a promotional event at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles today! It was confirmed promotion for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom by Bryce’s makeup artist karayoshimotobua via instagram story (see below).  The videos include Bryce and Chris interacting with a triceratops puppet said to be from Universal Studios Tokyo according to instagram poster ilanagustafson. Check out all the coverage below and we’ll be adding more a it comes in!

x003 Public Appearances >> 2017 >> Jurassic World 2 Promotion at NHMLA – November 7 Here


x002 Bryce In Social Media >> Bryce’s Posts Here


x001 Bryce In Social Media >> Portraits Here


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