Bryce arrived in Hawaii overnight to shoot the second part of Jurassic World 2. Thanks to Katz Yoro for sharing their photos with Bryce!
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June 12, 2017 | Bryce Dallas Howard on the cusp of an Emmy nomination |
In the Emmy race for Best Movie/Mini Actress, most of the discussion has surrounded the battle of Oscar all-stars: Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon (“Feud: Bette and Joan”) vs. Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman (“Big Little Lies”), with Lange currently favored to win. But let’s not forget Bryce Dallas Howard, who scored a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination this past winter for the anthology “Black Mirror” and could be on her way to an Emmy nomination as well. Could she even win?
Howard was featured in the episode “Nosedive” as a woman obsessed with social media. “Black Mirror” is a watercooler hit on Netflix, and Howard’s SAG nominations shows she already has support from her industry peers. And being Hollywood royalty doesn’t hurt (she’s the daughter of Oscar and Emmy champ Ron Howard). But this would be her first Emmy nomination.
Many of our Top 24 Users think she’s a strong contender for a nomination. They got the highest scores predicting last year’s Emmy nominations, and six of them are betting on her to break into this crowded contest. But getting the nomination may be the hardest part. Once she’s in, she would have a path to victory under the new voting system.
The TV academy instituted a plurality vote last year, where voters check one name and the nominee with the most votes wins. Before, nominees were ranked in order of preference; that system meant that multiple nominees from the same project had an advantage if they were all ranked at the top of voters’ ballots. But a plurality vote opens the door for vote-splitting. So if Lange and Sarandon split the “Feud” vote, and Kidman and Witherspoon divide the “Big Little Lies” support, then you just might see Howard take the stage as the Emmy winner, especially given the passionate fan support behind “Black Mirror.”