It’s here! The first official look of Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire Dearing in the third (and final) installment of the Jurassic World franchise. While we are THRILLED that the first photo released is Claire, we’re also left scratching our heads at exactly what we’re seeing. It looks like Claire (similar to Fallen Kingdom) gets into a situation where she is running from a dinosaur. Yes, we understand the movie we’re talking about here… everyone’s running from dinosaurs… but what we feel was lacking in Fallen Kingdom was any on screen character development or cause/effect. Our problem with it was, everything happened to Claire based on OTHER people’s decisions and she was just reacting. In Jurassic World Claire CAUSED things to happen to her based on her OWN decisions. We’re really hoping this is not another repeat of Claire must just run/react to events around her. But alas, here we are with a very terrified jungle based Claire in danger and running (swimming?…) away. Alright. We won’t fully judge yet, it’s the first still. First stills have to be “splashy” (no pun intended), but we HOPE with all hope that Claire had control of this situation just scenes before. Please.