Career Day at Public School 69

On April 30th Bryce stopped by the Public School 69 – Journey Prep classrooms located in Bronx, NY to visit with the students and give a presentation about her career. She also answered some questions after. We added all the photos to the gallery.  Check out Bryce’s post on the day below!

“Had a MAGICAL day yesterday hanging with the coolest kids. I was invited to speak on Career Day at PS 69 in the Bronx as one of a group of professionals to share information about our careers!

These kids were phenomenal. Their questions were REAL:

Do you feel that your work needs to change the world? Are you nervous when you are on stage, how do you deal with that? If you weren’t an actor, what would you do? Do you ever see a movie you made and not like it?

My daughter came with me and they had some questions for her as well: Was she scared of Blue the animatronic dinosaur when she saw her in real life? Answer – YES! Another question: On a scale from 1 – 100 how fun is it to have your mom making movies? To which she genuinely contemplated and then answered earnestly… “Well…” she said, “sometimes it’s fun, but sometimes it’s boring too. And sometimes? When I wake up in the morning? My mom isn’t there, she’s already left for work.” Dagger through the heart!

Hearing her answers was an instant reminder that a career is more than a job. It’s a mission. And on every mission there is give and take. For me growing up, I felt like my parents were always around and available to me. And I feel like it’s in large part because they included us in the journey of their careers, they shared their ups and downs, frustrations and wins. When my Mom was researching her book – traveling through the Middle East in the late 90s – we understood and knew that she felt a calling because she shared with her kids her aspirations and goals. What a gift! As for my pops, well, he shares everything with us, always, so by the time I was Beatrice’s age, I can legitimately recall several times being included and privy to his own process – macro and micro.

I hope for my kids that they feel just as included, with access and insight into everything I do in life.

Meeting these awesome + thoughtful kids yesterday was a potent reminder of the power of curiosity, imagination and realizing that truly anything is possible; they are limited only by their dreams – and it was inspiring to see how big their dreams already were!

Thank you to the faculty of PS 69 and the remarkable students – I loved getting to spend time with you!

Bryce Dallas Howard

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On April 27, TODAY posted a really inspiring video of Bryce talking about body image and the importance of loving who you are. The way she speaks on the matter is truly inspirational and proves she’s a great role model for young girls. Bryce also talks about her favorite costume, favorite emoji, and song she sings in the shower. This one is a must watch!


And, as always, we have the latest posts from Bryce uploaded in the gallery!

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