The Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom books are starting to be released into stores and we’re getting a good look at some new Claire stills. We’re going to focus on two books for now, the “Poster Book” and the “Survival Guide”. All of the photos found on this page can be located in our gallery under Movie Stills.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Poster book
Amazon link → Here

This book contains 48 beautiful pull-out posters which are roughly 8×10 inches. Some posters feature stills from the film while others are beautiful artistic renderings of the dinos. We’re only including Bryce’s pages here, but I highly recommend picking this one up as it’s only about $6 and there are some great posters in there! I promise to have HQ up soon (I just don’t have the heart to rip these out and scan them quite yet haha)

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Dinosaur Survival Guide
Amazon link → Here

This book is a look at the dinosaurs on the island (and featured in the movie) with some information on the characters and even the Dinosaur Protection Group (which, if you remember, is Claire’s organization).