Black Mirror Stills, Magazine Scans & More!

—————————- NEW PHOTOS —————————- 

002 x Photo Shoots >> Set #58 → Here

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002 x Television >> Black Mirror >> Promo Stills → Here

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—————————- Magazine Scans + 2 New Interviews —————————- 

002 x Magazine Scans >> Metro Life – August 18, 2016 → Here
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August 18, 2016 — “The Bryce is Right”

‘I’m always cold,’ she explains, gathering her cushions into a nest and curling back into them. ‘Look, I’m even wearing stockings.’ She wiggles her toes, happily freed of their Saint Laurent heels. Today she is snugly stylish in a Mad Men-style Narciso Rodriguez pencil skirt and a red, pussy-bow Valentino blouse. ‘I call my style “cover up” because I love being as covered up as possible,’ she says.

Read More »»» Metro Life

August 18, 2016 — “Five Minutes With: Bryce Dallas Howard”

I had got really into basketball when I was young and was on the Varsity team and was the captain of the Varsity basketball team and all that kind of stuff. My dad was shooting something at the time and he didn’t make it to the basketball games and he said it was the biggest regret in life. And I am like, ‘Dude, you’re off the hook!’ I think because his parents were so just engaged as parents and really wonderful, my dad has really high expectations for himself as a parent, sometimes almost too high, and so I think in a way I also inherited that.

Read More »»» Mind Food

—————————- 1 NEW VIDEO —————————- 
Pete’s Dragon Interview with BMMO  → Here

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