It’s that time again to begin work on this year’s birthday video for Bryce. Last year’s video turned out so well and I’m looking for ways to make this one even better. Instead of asking for general birthday messages, this year I’m trying something fun and different! Send me a video of yourself answering the questions below. This video will get sent to Bryce directly, so be fun and creative! Deadline is February 25, 2017.
1. What 3 words would you use to describe Bryce?
2. Name one thing you love most about Bryce.
3. If you could spend one day with Bryce, what would you do?
4. What is your favorite Bryce moment from this year?
5. What is your favorite story Bryce has told this year?
6. What’s one thing you would like Bryce to know about you?
7. What would lacie pound rate you?
8. Which of Bryce’s characters would you want to be best friends with?
9. Dragons or dinosaurs?
10. Tell Bryce “Happy Birthday!”
Email your video submissions to
Feel free to ask any questions!
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