“Speech” and Pete’s Dragon TV Spot

In Tatia PIlieva’s new film “Speech”,  five actresses perform five famous presidential speeches. Bryce recites Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

ramascreen.com released a small article on this featuring Bryce…

“I feel pride and a sense of peace in hearing these inspirational words from the great leaders of our country’s history.  I am hopeful in seeing how far we’ve come.  And most of all I am reminded yet again of the power of a presidency to transform the minds and hearts of future generations,” says actress Bryce Dallas Howard. “In Speech, we can celebrate the legacy of our past leaders, the wisdom they imparted, and the undeniable relevance these words hold today”


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Check out the full video → Here

Check out Bryce’s edit below ↓

A new TV spot for Pete’s Dragon was released today! ↓

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