
Hello all! Happy New Year.. Happy Valentine’s Day.. Happy… yeah, we haven’t posted here in a while.. However, we at the BDHnetwork never misses news and we ALWAYS post the latest news on Twitter as it happens (so make sure you are following us on there)! While we are all still quarantining… (will it ever end?) Bryce has actually been pretty busy working from home and a few other projects! Here are any updates you may have missed.

The Nine Muses Newsletter has actually released TWO Interviews with Bryce since we last posted! Both have been uploaded to our gallery in the Interviews category. You can check out both below!

x007 >> Interviews >> Nine Muses Newsletter – December 15, 2020  → Here

x006 >> Interviews >> Nine Muses Newsletter – February 14, 2021Here

x006 >> Photoshoots >> Set #117 → Here


Chris Pratt held a fundraiser through Instagram Live on New Years Eve and Bryce made an appearance! Of course we have the full video and some screen shots! Our YouTube rebuild is NEARLY complete (on our end, we just need to finish uploading everything… should be pretty quick after we finish all the organization and hard work behind the scenes. Soon. I promise soon.), but in the meantime, you can watch the video over at our IGTV on Instagram.

x004 >> Bryce In Social Media >> Everything Else → Here


Were you watching the Superbowl and noticed that beautifully captivating space commercial? That commercial was directed by Bryce! You can watch it again below and also Bryce shared some behind the scenes photos from this project which we’ve uploaded to the gallery.

x003 >> Directing >> Inspiration4 Space Commercial (2021) >> On Set → Here


It was also announced that Bryce and her husband Seth Gabel recently voiced a video game, titled Maquette, which will be out on March 2.

From developer Graceful Decay and publisher Annapurna Interactive, the narrative puzzle adventure releases March 2.
Bryce Dallas Howard and Seth Gabel are lending their voices to Annapurna Interactive’s upcoming first-person puzzle video game Maquette.
Developed by Graceful Decay, the game is set in a recursive world where players experience the life cycle of a relationship and solve spacial puzzles as the story unfolds. Howard and Gabel play romantic couple Kenzie and Michael, characters who guide players through the narrative but are not explicitly seen on screen.

Howard recalls that there were some parts that were “somewhat improvisational that we would spontaneously come up with because it was all rooted in this place of character. She goes on to say that Lemoore had a vision of the chemistry he wanted to capture, and in order to do that, Howard and Gabel dug “a little bit deeper,” which she describes as a fun process.

Of the differences between voice recording for a video game and more traditional on-screen acting, Howard says that it’s more similar than one might think. “A character is a character is a character,” she says, though when you have the advantage of being able to use your face, you don’t have to necessarily focus as much on the articulation of what you’re experiencing emotionally being expressed verbally.”

Read More → The Hollywood Reporter

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