The Howard Headline!

We’re SO excited to announce The Howard Headline! What is The Howard Headline you may ask…. It’s the brand new press based website made to compliment The Bryce Dallas Howard Network. As you are aware,The Bryce Dallas Howard Network has all the information you will ever need about Bryce presented in the most beautiful way, BUT it isn’t the most mobile friendly and what happens with the smaller articles that aren’t big enough for their own post or have to wait to get lumped together in a larger post? WELL, The Howard Headline has been added to solve all of those problems. It will act as your quick pocket resource for smaller and more frequent news bites and articles which would have either fallen through the cracks or had to have waited to be included in a larger post.

It is important to note that nothing is going away from over here and there will still be regular updates and posts as usual. The only difference is now you can get your quick fix of all Bryce news quicker and easier if you choose. However the biggest difference is that The Howard Headline is COMPLETELY mobile friendly. While BDHNet is gorgeous to look at, we understand that reading articles here on a phone isn’t the best experience. These websites will work in tandem to bring you a more user friendly option without losing the high quality that you’ve grown to expect from us.

Also, for those of you who subscribe to our newsletter (If you don’t, what are you waiting for?), The Howard Headline has been automatically added to your subscription and a weekly recap will be sent your inbox Mondays at 3pm EST.

If you have any suggestions on how we can make your experience here at The Howard Headline or at The Bryce Dallas Howard Network better, contact us! We love any and all feedback.


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