So sorry for the delayed updates! On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to meet up with Bryce and do a Q&A for the site. Keep an eye out for that full post on Monday!
003x Bryce In Social Media >> Portraits → Here

009 x Public Appearances >> 2016 >> “Gold” Screenings & Q&A – Nov 16-17 → Here

002 x Bryce In Social Media >> Everything Else → Here

001x Bryce In Social Media >> Bryce Posts → Here

November 17, 2016 — “Bryce Dallas Howard’s phone sounds like the one she has in “Black Mirror“
“You know, what I didn’t actually realize it, but my friend pointed it out after Black Mirror, but my own phone sounds like the the ‘ding’ that you get when you get a rating,” She laughs. “Every single time it would happen [my friends] would shiver, so I definitely need to change my phone.”
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New Videos!
Bryce’s Social Media Post – Nov 8, 2016 → Here
Variety | “Gold” Panel for SAG-AFTRA Foundation → Here
Pete’s Dragon Bloopers (Sneak Peek) → Here